Tile Factory
Cost | 8,300 |
Repair cost | 3,320 |
Repair cost if ruined | 6,640 |
- Commercial Stimulation Edict: +16% wealth from industry buildings
- 800 wealth from manufacturing (industry)
- -15% construction costs
- -10 public order per turn (squalor)
After the Romans came, saw and conquered they generally built. Having developed brick production in Italy, they tended to build in the style of their home towns. Romans used brickwork in every public and private building, putting fine stone cladding only on the outside. It was a huge step forward from using wood and thatch, wattle and daub or massive stonework. Construction was quick and relatively easy. Above all, the bricks used for walls and the tiles used for roofing were strong and durable. The Roman army was largely responsible for spreading the use of brickwork throughout the Empire with their kilns, often stamping the bricks with a Legion’s mark. The skill was passed on to local peoples and so became the standard building method in many lands for centuries.