Sanctuary of Derzelas
Cost | 3,200 |
Repair cost | 1,280 |
Repair cost if ruined | 2,560 |
- +20% wealth from agriculture
- +5 Balkan cultural influence
- +16 public order per turn
- -8 food
Derzelas, also known as the heroic 'Thracian Knight', was the god of the underworld, health and vitality. As with many of the Thracian gods, there are parallels between Derzelas and the Greek pantheon. Notably, there are many similarities with the Greek god Hades. They are even similar in appearance - both depicted as bearded men in heavy robes, or 'Himation'. Unlike Hades, however, Derzelas is also often depicted with a cornucopia – the horn of plenty, a symbol of abundance. Again, due to geographical location, Derzelas was also likely related to the deities of the Getae, such as Gebeleizis and Zalmoxis. Many terra cotta and lead statuettes of the god have been found in areas inhabited by the ancient Thracians, suggesting Derzelas was widely worshipped. Several temples were also dedicated to him, and games known as ‘Darzaleia’ were held in the god’s honour every five years. There is also evidence that he was worshipped well into the period of Thrace’s Roman annexation, as coins depicting Derzelas and the young Roman emperor, Giordan III, have also been unearthed.