
Cost 7,400
Repair cost 2,960
Repair cost if ruined 5,920
  • +30% wealth from agriculture
  • 400 wealth from local commerce
  • -6 public order per turn (squalor)
Building Chain (Egypt (Emperor Edition))
Building Chain (Athens, Carthage, Carthage (Hannibal at the Gates), Epirus, Macedon, Massilia (Black Sea Colonies), Pontus, Sparta)
Building Chain (Syracuse (Hannibal at the Gates))
Building Chain (Cimmeria (Black Sea Colonies))
Building Chain (Colchis (Black Sea Colonies))
Building Chain (Pergamon (Black Sea Colonies))
Building Chain (Egypt)
Building Chain (Syracuse)

Grain was the most important crop for human and animal consumption. Wheat, millet and barley were the staple crops. The Greeks struggled with grain production because of their poor soil and limited land area for agriculture, so trade in grain was essential. In Piraeus, Athens' port, grain would arrive by boat and be held in the Deigma on the famous colonnaded Makra Stoa. Merchants could inspect samples, or deigmata, of the imported crops on stalls made of reeds. It was a hot and dusty place teeming with bustling activity from dawn until dusk.