Antony's Rome (Emperor Edition)
Roman Legions: +1 recruitment slot in all your provinces |
One Ruler: All Roman factions share a major diplomatic penalty with all other Roman factions (cultural aversion) |
At the time of Caesar’s murder, the prospect of assuming power looked good for his old comrade Mark Antony. However, despite driving the assassins, Brutus and Cassius, out of the city, he was forced to toe the line by a Senate terrified of another autocratic ruler. With Octavian leeching support from the Caesarean Senators, the accomplished general and leader found himself increasingly sidelined./n/nIn desperation, he besieged Brutus at Mutina, with the aim of seizing Gaul. Though Antony was defeated and subsequently outlawed by the Senate, Lepidus joined him in response to Octavian’s threatened seizure of Rome, and helped stabilise the balance of power. When the three parties met and agreed to govern as the Second Triumvirate, it was Antony who received the lion’s share of territory, and placed in charge of the expedition against Caesar’s assassins./n/nAlthough Octavian was also present at the two battles of Philippi, it was Antony and his forces that made the decisive contribution. Antony leveraged this fact to re-negotiate the split of territories, and is now in sole charge of the east, with its fabulous wealth, trade connections and opportunities for military glory. Poised in this hotbed of potential, Mark Antony’s ambition is to rise above his rivals for glory and power, and seize the ultimate command once and for all!
Other Houses
Antonius Dynasty
- Disdain for Plebs: Public order penalty (minimum of -2) from presence of Latin culture
- Philhellenes: Moderate diplomatic bonus with all Hellenic factions (cultural affinity)
- Administrators: +3% tax rate