
Persian Trade Heritage: +10% wealth from all commerce buildings
Great Marksmen: +25% ammunition for all units


Once a Seleucid satrapy, Parthia managed to gain independence when the Seleucids were distracted by pressure from Ptolemaic Egypt. Under a new Persian noble ruler Arsaces of the Parni, Parthia is a country built from tribal fiefdoms. It has also been influenced and shaped by successive waves of invaders and settlers, and now blends Persian, Hellenistic and local cultures into a single, Parthian, whole. Parthia’s religions, for example, include veneration of Greek and Iranian Gods, and Zoroastrianism.

A class of land-holding nobles has emerged, and trade along the routes to the east has brought great wealth.

Parthia is famed for its horses and horsemen; their archery skills are also rightly feared, if only for the deadly feigned retreat of the “Parthian Shot”, taken while apparently galloping away from a foe. Heavy cavalry in their distinctive scale armour are also rightly feared by enemies. Greek-influenced phalanxes and the many hill tribes form the bulk of Parthian infantry forces.

The rulers of Parthia now have opportunity before them: their former masters, the Seleucids, are ready to fall, and so is neighbouring Bactria. Who can say where such conquests may lead?

Arsacid Dynasty

Arsaces, the leader of the Parni tribe, conquered Parthia in north-eastern Iran, then secured the satrapy of Parthava from the Seleucid Empire following a rebellion.
  • Zoroastrian Slavery Aversion: +25% servile unrest
  • Multiculturalism: -25% public order penalties due to presence of foreign cultures
  • Cavalry Masters: +1 experience rank for cavalry recruits

Other Families

Following the Persian tradition, Parthians accept local kings as quasi-autonomous vassals. Beyond the borders of Iran, the court appoints less-powerful satraps to rule.
Starting Region(s)
Specialist Units