Battle Rhythm
- +9% battle speed for all ships
- +8% ram damage for all ships
Ships used for ramming actions during ancient sea battles were specifically designed and constructed for the purpose. Ramming was a surprisingly exacting business, and required timing and judgement on the part of the commander as well as speed, efficiency, and synchronised activity from his crew. It was also important that crew numbers were kept to a minimum to ensure manoeuvrability and that the ship was travelling at exactly the right speed – not too quickly or too slowly. If it came in too slowly the enemy could, in most cases, easily back out of the way, yet too much speed could result in the ram becoming stuck fast in the enemy hull. If a first attempt proved inconclusive and a second was necessary, the crew of the ramming ship had to frantically back up to try again; if they were unable to detach the vessel from its target it would be vulnerable to counter-attack.