Remuneration Reforms
- -10% agent recruitment costs
- -6% recruitment costs for all army units
- -6% upkeep costs for all armies
The military reforms of Gaius Marius marked a significant change in pay for Roman soldiers. Legionaries did not consider the new annual salary of 100 denarii, complimented by payment in land or cash up to 3,000 denarii, suitable payment for 25 years hard service. Veteran troops looked to their Consuls, frequently their former generals, for more suitable recompense for their efforts, causing inevitable political unrest and eventually, civil war. Emperor Augustus restored stability in the 1st century BC and was quick to identify the role that the dissatisfied Legions had played in the years of strife. He set up the Aerarium Militare, the Military Treasury, a pot of money initiated by his own funds and topped up by regular citizen tax payments; it provided soldiers with a pension equivalent to 14 years' pay.