Libyan Peltasts

Recruitment Cost 440
Upkeep Cost 90
Missile Damage 32
Range 80
Shots Per Minute 7
Ammunition 7
Melee Attack 26
Weapon Damage 24
Charge Bonus 10
Melee Defence 44
Armour 65
Health 50
Base Morale 45
Strengths & Weaknesses
  • Short range
  • Fast rate of fire
  • Very good damage and armour penetration
  • Large shield
  • Very weak in melee
  • Poor morale

Recruited from among descendants of Phoenician settlers and the native Lebu, Garamantian, and Berber peoples of the Sahara these troops were the largest non-mercenary Carthaginian contingent in the army. Colonising the African coast from around the 1st millennium BC, the Phoenicians founded Carthage and other cities, later known as Leptis Magna and Sabratha. Important trading centres, they acted alongside Tingis, which was founded by their Carthaginian descendants, and the Greek colony of Cyrene as gateways into Africa and the western Mediterranean. By the 5th century BC, however, the three Libyan cities had passed under the control and protection of Carthage and its mercantile dominance. Mixing together a variety of eastern and Saharan customs, and influenced by contact with much of the Mediterranean through their trading network, the Liby-Phoenicians were varied in their style of dress and armament.

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