Assault Tetreres, Thureos Spears

Recruitment Cost 740
Upkeep Cost 148
Ship Health 825
Ship Speed 5
Melee Attack 24
Weapon Damage 25
Melee Defence 55
Armour 70
Health 50
Strengths & Weaknesses
  • Average hull strength
  • Medium crew
  • Average speed
  • Average ramming
  • Average boarding
  • Good defensive unit
  • Low damage but average armour penetration
  • Average attack
  • Normal morale

There is a good deal of debate as to how large ancient warships worked; the principles are understood, but the details are not always so clear. A Roman 'quadreme' or Greek 'tetreres' would seem to have four rows of oars if the name is translated literally. However, it is unclear how four sets of oars each with one rower apiece could be used without them getting in a terrible tangle even with a magnificently trained crew, or how the top set of rowers would be able to handle the extremely long oars pitched at a steep angle and still produce any power. The chances are that the term 'oar' had become synonymous with 'rower' and that the lowest bank had more than one man per oar. The other option was to go back to a double row of oars, with two men apiece. Two banks of oars would also have made for a cheaper construction task for each ship. Either way, the result was a ship that could rival the lighter trireme in speed, yet had more deck space for a large fighting contingent or artillery pieces.

Light Greek infantry, the thureophoroi developed around the early 4th century BC, and straddled the gap between the phalanx and the skirmishing peltasts. Named after the thureos, their large oval shields, they were more heavily armoured than the traditional Thracian and Greek peltast. Able to both skirmish and form up as a phalanx, they were used to guard the flanks and protect other light troops. Their shield, normally made from wood and covered with leather, had a central handgrip that was protected by a vertical spine and a metal boss-like strip, and may have been inspired by Celtic or Roman shields of the time. Like the longer sarissa, the spears used by the thureophoroi had a weighted butt-spike to provide balance, but this also allowed them to throw javelins, if so equipped, by jamming their spears into the ground. Able to fulfil a variety of roles, thureophoroi were common amongst both citizen and mercenary units of the Greek city-states until they were eclipsed by the Macedonian phalanxes of Phillip II and Alexander the Great.

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