Scythian 'Amazonian' Riders

Recruitment Cost 400
Upkeep Cost 90
Missile Damage 40
Range 150
Shots Per Minute 6
Ammunition 15
Melee Attack 7
Weapon Damage 24
Charge Bonus 4
Melee Defence 2
Armour 10
Health 65
Base Morale 40
Strengths & Weaknesses
  • Long range
  • Average rate of fire
  • Fast moving
  • Good damage but low armour penetration
  • Very weak in melee
  • Very poor morale

Many myths surround the Amazons, a legendary tribe of hunters and warrior-women, such as the story of Queen Hippolyta's magical girdle sought by Herakles. A female-dominated society, descended from Ares, they were reputed to have lived on the shores of the Black Sea. According to Herodotus, the Amazons were killers of men and a popular source of artistic and poetic inspiration within Greek culture. When necessary, they intermingled with the all-male Gargareans to keep up their numbers, or enslaved the few men they needed after raids or battles. Depicted as superb archers, the Amazons are also often shown carrying spears, axes and crescent-shaped shields. Archaeology suggests Sarmatian and Scythian women participated in battle, which may be the source of the Amazons’ legend.

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