Sanctuary of Demeter
Cost | 12,000 |
Repair cost | 4,800 |
Repair cost if ruined | 9,600 |
- Tax Harvesting Edict: +10% tax rate
- +24% wealth from all sources
- +12 Hellenic cultural influence
- +2 influence per turn for your political party
- +10 public order per turn
- -8 food
Demeter is the Greek goddess of the harvest, of earthen fertility and of grain, which is where her title 'She of the Grain' originates. Demeter is the mother of Persephone, who in Greek mythology was famously abducted by Hades. The abduction so shook Demeter that the seasons stopped and living things began to die as she searched tirelessly for her child, ultimately prompting intervention by Zeus. Demeter was celebrated by the festival of Thesmophoria and the secret rite of Eleusinian Mysteries. Thesmophoria was for women only; they were implored to leave their houses and live for three days outside the city, purifying themselves through bathing. Little more is known about this festival, but it is known that only women married to Athenian citizens could attend, and sacrifices were placed into the earth to decay.