
Cost 5,200
Repair cost 2,080
Repair cost if ruined 4,160
  • +15% wealth from livestock (agriculture)
  • +3 experience for all new agents
  • 100 wealth from entertainment (culture)
  • 9 food
  • -6 public order per turn (squalor)
Building Chain (Egypt (Emperor Edition))
Building Chain (Athens, Carthage, Carthage (Hannibal at the Gates), Epirus, Macedon, Massilia (Black Sea Colonies), Pontus, Sparta)
Building Chain (Syracuse (Hannibal at the Gates))
Building Chain (Cimmeria (Black Sea Colonies))
Building Chain (Colchis (Black Sea Colonies))
Building Chain (Pergamon (Black Sea Colonies))
Building Chain (Egypt)
Building Chain (Syracuse)

Extensive diplomatic and trade networks in the Hellenic and Mediterranean world meant travel was common amongst the merchant classes. Inns, or 'pandocheion', often in or close by the agora, developed to meet the needs of well-heeled travellers, offering places to stay while on business. Travellers brought wealth into the cities and, as artistic, learning and philosophical tastes were shared and spread, contributed much to the Hellenisation of the Mediterranean coast. The philosopher Strabo, born around 64BC, was a typical Greek traveller. His extensive wanderings, the basis for his 17-volume Geographica, took him from his native Pontus, across Egypt and into the Kingdom of Kush, before he settled eventually in Rome.