
Cost 3,900
Repair cost 1,560
Repair cost if ruined 3,120
  • +6 security against all agent actions (attribute bonus)
  • +30% wealth from agriculture
  • +2 growth per turn
  • +2 public order per turn (sanitation)
  • -6 food
Building Chain (Athens, Baktria, Carthage, Carthage (Hannibal at the Gates), Cimmeria (Black Sea Colonies), Colchis (Black Sea Colonies), Egypt, Egypt (Emperor Edition), Epirus, Macedon, Massilia (Black Sea Colonies), Pontus, Seleucid, Sparta, Syracuse, Syracuse (Hannibal at the Gates))
Building Chain (Pergamon (Black Sea Colonies))

Used to store water and supply fountains, water tanks were an essential component of Hellenic cities. A reliable and steady source of water, stone tanks could be filled using mechanical devices such as Archimedes’ screw or by siphons, which were used in Pergamon's citadel. Many Greek inventions and innovations stemmed the harnessing of water, including the 'clepsydra', a type of clock known as a water thief. Although water clocks had been used for centuries to mark time with a controlled flow, it was Ctesibius, an Alexandrian inventor, who is supposed to have improved the design. He is also responsible for the 'hydraulis', or water organ.