Cost | 2,300 |
Repair cost | 920 |
Repair cost if ruined | 1,840 |
- Level I weapons (+5% melee attack) upon recruitment
- Level II shields (+10% shield effectiveness) upon recruitment
- Level II armour (+10% armour) upon recruitment
- -4 public order per turn (squalor)
The shieldmaker and armourer of Rome were highly skilled workers and crucial to military success. The protection used by the Roman army developed over many centuries of campaigning as tactics and formations changed. Early Roman troops had to pay for their own war gear, and what a man could afford determined his position in the battle line. The classic armour of the legionary only developed after the reforms of Gaius Marius, and was largely standardised for many centuries. Body armour was made in one of four types: lorica squamata, or scale armour; lorica segmentata made up of metal strips; lorica hamata made of chainmail; and lorica plumata, expensive mail armour usually reserved for leaders. However, production was by hand so many variations occurred and often different types of armour would be used on the battlefield as families and Legions would 'make do and mend'.