Warrior Lodge
Cost | 800 |
Repair cost | 320 |
Repair cost if ruined | 640 |
- +1 army recruitment capacity
- +5% unit morale upon recruitment
- 50 wealth from entertainment (culture)
Building Chain (Ardiaei (Pirates & Raiders), Arevaci, Arevaci (Hannibal at the Gates), Arverni, Arverni (Caesar in Gaul), Boii, Dacia (Emperor Edition), Galatia, Getae (Pirates & Raiders), Iceni, Iceni (Emperor Edition), Lusitani, Lusitani (Hannibal at the Gates), Marcomanni (Emperor Edition), Massagetae, Nervii, Nervii (Caesar in Gaul), Odrysian Kingdom (Pirates & Raiders), Roxolani, Royal Scythia, Suebi, Suebi (Caesar in Gaul), Tylis (Pirates & Raiders))
Our image of the barbarian warrior owes much to the information passed down to us by their ‘civilised’ foes. The Greeks and Romans portrayed barbarians as warriors totally lacking in the virtues of self-control - a race of rage-fuelled alcoholics who rushed madly into battle without giving any thought to tactics. Historically, barbarian societies were indeed focused on individual martial prowess and display, but by the 1st century BC many had developed sophisticated squad-based combat with unique fighting styles, making barbarians valuable mercenaries in the eyes of the very people who had previously dismissed them.