Military Pier

Cost 1,900
Repair cost 760
Repair cost if ruined 1,520
  • 70 wealth from manufacturing (industry)
  • -1 food
Building Chain (Armenia, Armenia (Emperor Edition), Parthia, Parthia (Emperor Edition))

For most civilisations, military dominance has always included mastery of the sea. It was always far easier to move men and material by sea than march them overland. Suppressing pirates and protecting trade was merely an extra benefit. Construction of good military vessels was therefore vital, with all kinds of ships from patrol biremes to colossal battle quinqueremes needed for a balanced force. Mastery of the sea prevented invasions too, and could even be a tool of diplomacy. By the Apamea treaty in 188BC, Rome limited the power of the Seleucid Empire by dictating the number of warships the Seleucids were allowed. When Antiochus V Eupator broke the treaty, the Romans sent delegations to Syrian cities, charged with sinking the excess warships.