Fire Altar
Cost | 1,200 |
Repair cost | 480 |
Repair cost if ruined | 960 |
- Bread and Games Edict: +10% wealth generated by cultural buildings
- +5% wealth from culture
- +2 Eastern cultural influence
- +3 public order per turn
- -1 food
In the east, fire as well as water was a symbol of purity, and banished dark and chaotic forces from the world. Zoroastrianism, which greatly influenced later monotheistic faiths, had temples that housed 'atar', or holy fire. Earlier, there had been a reverence for hearth fire as the source of warmth, light and food. Holy shrines and temples began as raised mounds on which fires were lit and offerings were made. In Zoroastrianism, Ahura Mazda, the force of wisdom and truth, was opposed by Angra Mainyu, the destructive spirit of chaos. Ahura Mazda's fire kept chaos at bay, and played a part in divination and oracular predictions. The priests would interpret the flames, or burn a variety of spices and other substances, inhaling the smoke to make contact with the world beyond.