Cost | 12,000 |
Repair cost | 4,800 |
Repair cost if ruined | 9,600 |
- +30% wealth from culture
- 600 wealth from subsistence
- +14 public order per turn
- -8 food
The 'prytaneion' was the name given to any seat of government in ancient Greek culture. Usually, it occupied a space in the agora, and housed the holy fire of Hestia, symbolising the life and survival of the city. The prytaneis, or democratic council met here on every day of its term, running society through numerous, rigorous meetings. The council members were fed by the state and never strayed far from the prytaneion during the day. Though they originated in Athens, prytaneis existed across the Hellenic world with varying amounts of power, some even gaining enough to become tyrannical, as happened at Miletus, the Bosporan Kingdom's home city.