
Cost 1,400
Repair cost 560
Repair cost if ruined 1,120
  • 60 wealth from entertainment (culture)
  • +5 public order per turn
  • -1 food
Building Chain (Egypt (Emperor Edition))
Building Chain (Athens, Carthage, Carthage (Hannibal at the Gates), Epirus, Macedon, Massilia (Black Sea Colonies), Pontus, Sparta)
Building Chain (Syracuse (Hannibal at the Gates))
Building Chain (Cimmeria (Black Sea Colonies))
Building Chain (Colchis (Black Sea Colonies))
Building Chain (Pergamon (Black Sea Colonies))
Building Chain (Egypt)
Building Chain (Syracuse)

The amphitheatron had a circular or oval plan, with a sloping gallery of seats looking over a central arena. Plays were a form of worship of the god Dionysus, and drama festivals such as the Dionysia in springtime were religious celebrations as well as entertaining. Officially, performances in the amphitheatron were only for men, but records show that some women did attend. Theatre changed during the Hellenistic period and, instead of the earlier grand tragedies, audiences wanted plays that were about their own lives rather than the gods and myth. This new style was a comedy of manners, and the extant fragments of Menander's plays show that they were far more sophisticated than the farcical works of Aristophanes and others. This 'New Comedy' went on to influence the playwrights of Rome.