Theatre of Syracuse
Cost | 15,100 |
Repair cost | 6,040 |
Repair cost if ruined | 12,080 |
- +2 influence per turn for your political party
- 400 wealth from entertainment (culture)
- +30 public order per turn
- -8 food
The Greek theatre at Syracuse became renowned as the largest theatre in the known world, and the city itself became a cultural capital along with it. Built by order of the tyrant Hiero I, it is notable as the birthplace of comedy, courtesy of the playwright Epicharmos. Despite this, the theatre didn't become a well-known marvel until around 220BC, when Hiero II ordered it expanded to hold a potential 20,000 people, making it a cultural icon across the world. When Syracuse fell under Roman control, early Emperors modified the theatre again, removing some seats so that Roman gladiatorial games could be held.