

Attributes are the innate, "passive" abilities that units and ships can use to govern their capabilities in battle. As such, they do not generally have to be activated, although an attribute may bestow an ability activated by a button on the battle interface. For example, some units are inherently fearsome, so their very presence in battle can "Frighten" an enemy, reducing their morale. Similarly, some units "Can Hide", enabling them to remain out of sight of enemy units within certain distances.

Immune to Attrition

Units with this attribute will not suffer from attrition on the campaign map. This tends to be reserved for highly-disciplined elite units.


A disciplined unit has high morale that cannot easily be shaken.


Some cavalry units can dismount and remount during battle. If their horses subsequently take casualties they will all run from the field.

Resistant to Fatigue

A unit that is resistant to fatigue will take longer to tire in battle.


Some units can boost the morale of other units positioned close to them.


Units that have the hide (scrub) attribute can hide in scrubland and deep vegetation, those that have the hide (forest) attribute can hide in woods and forests. Some units can hide in long grass until the enemy gets too close.


Any units that have the stalk attribute can walk whilst hidden on any terrain.


A unit with this attribute can go berserk during the battle, making them uncontrollable. They will attack any nearby enemies.


Any naval ramming action can result in boarding. The boarding button orders your ship to close with the target vessel and sends an armed group aboard to capture it. This action can be cancelled at any time by issuing another, conflicting, order.

Campaign Stealth

A unit with the campaign stealth attribute can move unseen around the campaign map.

Cannot Run

Units with this attribute cannot run, only ever moving at walking pace.

Formation Attack

Any unit with this attribute will always try to stay in formation during melee.

Guerrilla Deployment

This attribute enables a unit to deploy outside of its army's deployment zone.

Ignore Terrain

Battlefield movement speed penalties are ignored by any unit with this attribute.


Impetuous units get an additional morale bonus when eager for the fray.

Mighty Knockback

Any unit with this attribute is better able to withstand a charge, knocking back the charging unit with greater damage.

Fire Whilst Moving

This attribute enables a unit to fire whilst it is moving.

Parthian Shot

Any unit with this attribute can fire all around itself, rather than just in front.

Resistance to Cold

A unit that is resistant to cold will not suffer additional casualties when fighting in snow and be less affected by fatigue.

Resistance to Heat

A unit that is resistant to heat will not suffer additional casualties when fighting in desert conditions and be less affected by fatigue.

Run Amok

Elephant units may go crazy when under the pressure of battle. If this happens they may run amok and rampage through the ranks of their own army.


Some units are able to frighten others simply by their presence. Some can frighten all enemy units, some just affect elephants, and some will scare horses.

Immune to Fear

A unit with this attribute cannot be scared by any of the scare attributes mentioned above.


Units with the snipe attribute can remain hidden whilst firing.

Expert Charge Defence

A spear or elephant unit with this attribute is granted increased melee attack and melee damage capabilities, giving the charged unit the same bonuses as the charger.